How do you feel about symbols and their meanings?
One of the things that I love about humanity and one that stayed consistent throughout the many years here on earth is the imagination used to give a meaning to things.
Imagine our ancestors, regardless of their ethnicity, seeing or inventing a symbol, or discovering the traits of an animal and giving them a meaning.
And because our Universe is energy, giving a meaning and perpetuating that same meaning for generations, it established itself with that energy. This is to me one of the most fascinating things about a thought process.
I personally love to discover the hidden meanings behind an animal, a plant, a rock or a form and of course I lend their energy and meaning for my own paintings.
If you follow me on Instagram, you can find a Reel with which you can play and see what energy is speaking to you. If you want to play with that Reel, remember to take a deep breath before taking a screenshot and discovering which energy you’re a match to
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Here are the meanings for all animals and symbols that come up in my paintings. I hope that the message of your chosen symbol is what you need to hear right now.
– Cosmic Wolf
Might be time to take the lead in a project or task that is taking up too much energy. Cosmic Wolf is a master in leadership. This doesn’t mean that you have to do everything alone, you might step into your leadership and learn to delegate. Love for the collective takes courage and stepping up means also to trust others.
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– Lion
Time to show yourself that you have confidence in your skills and capabilities. Take example from a Lion who, even when he stumbles he does so with poise and an innate nobility. What in your life needs to be addressed with elegance and might I say, a little bit of arrogance (just to give it a bit of a push?)
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– Whale
Let yourself feel like a magnificent whale floating in deep waters. Trust that you collected enough knowledge to speak up in any situation you’re in and let your beautiful voice sing like the mysterious and ancient sound of the Whales.
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– Lotus Flower
You’re a match with the Womb of the Universe. Let yourself bloom and open up to the multitude of possibilities. Is there a project that you put on hold for far too long? Might be time to let it flourish. You never know, it might be just what the universe (and you) need!
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– Bee
Symbol of divinity and for the natural mysteries of the World. Let yourself wear an imaginary crown and feel the power that you hold by simply being a part of this Universe. You might discover that you’re a really beautiful Queen B! Use your power to create joy for yourself and all around you.
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– Phoenix
Time to tackle that transformation you are keeping at a distance. The ancient symbol of the Phoenix is packed with transformative energy that is here to invite you to close your eyes and imagine two (or more) beautiful wings spread out and give you the awareness that nothing is impossible for you. Difficult situations are here only to show you how capable you are to make new beginnings whenever you want.
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– Raven
Magic is in the air. Ravens travel between worlds and so can you. What do you want to experience? You might just need to unleash your imagination to conquer that new world you want. Imagining it, is half of the work done. Use practices that enable modified state of consciousness (i.e Breathwork, meditation, dance)
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– Frog
Water is what you need. Take a bath, a long shower (if possible), a midnight dip in the ocean/sea/lake. Chances are you’re too much in your head in this moment. You need to cleanse and let your emotions speak without the need to rationalise everything. Water comes from your tears as well. Let them flow to regain a new vitality and vision.
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– White Dragon
Creativity is your keyword. Let yourself express it in the ways you enjoy the most. Put all your attention into it: Cooking a delicious meal, dance on your favorite playlist, gardening, drawing. The sky is the limit. Try not to control the “ingredients”, let them come to you intuitively which is already a creative process in itself.
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– Mushrooms
Through its flowers (mushrooms) the mycelium network is inviting you to renew your bond with your roots. There is something still to uncover in your family line. What ancestral transmissions do you need to be made aware of? Write down your family tree. Which of your family members is relevant in this moment? Inquire about her or him. If not possible, close your eyes and let her/him speak to you. You might need their guidance to understand something about yourself.
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– Fire Dragon
It might be time to unleash your power and put into actionable steps a project in order to see its fruits mature. The fire Dragon is an intense energy that, when appearing to you, is asking you to take a bit of a risk and step forward in a project that brings you joy but that you put aside for far too long. Let the fire dragon inspire you and ignite the flame of passion inside of you. It is just a matter of taking the first step into the unknown, and by that it will be just a bit less unknown.
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– Fawn
Fawn energy is one of tenderness and sweetness. Have you spent too much energy in being productive and your to-do list is so long that you’re overwhelmed by it? The little fawn is entering your vibration and inviting you to take a step back and plan in your day even just 10 minutes, where you do nothing, not even scrolling on your phone. Treat yourself with tenderness and feel into your body needs to rest. Dim the lights of your home and stay a moment looking at the sky from your window. Like a little fawn, making its first steps into the world, fill your eyes with wonder again, so that when you feel rested and ready to take action again, you’ll be replenished and full of wonder!
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– Dove
Our little Dove is a well-known symbol for peace and purity because of its white feathers. Have you been feeling torn in your life recently? Do you feel that conflict, wether internal or with others is ever present in your life? The little Dove is here to help you and find resolution. Ask for its help in finding the solutions to overcome your conflicts. Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful Dove entering your vision and bringing you little olive brunches that symbolise the solutions and listen to your heart what these solutions are. Repeat this encounter with the Dove as many times you need. You got this!
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– Hummingbird
Delicate creature, if the Hummingbird has entered your frequency, this is your sign to put the seriousness of life aside for a while and find what makes your eyes sparkle. What brings you joy? Feel the fast flapping of the Hummingbirds wings, and have a loud laugh. And if it’s difficult to laugh, go back to your childhood and rewatch a movie that you found funny as a child. Let your inner child loose and observe how it makes you feel when you don’t worry about things, but just enjoy the present moment.
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– Panther
The Panther has entered your frequency and with its majestic presence it call upon you to rise to the occasion. It is time to look inside you and explore your darkness, enter your shadows and dive deep into what is still hidden in your unconscious. The Panther is your ally on this path, so don’t worry and step into the Unknown of your Shadows with courage and confidence, because at your side, the Panther sees in the dark and will lead you to safety as soon as you need it.
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– Rose
In its many symbols, I choose to bring forward the relation between this flower and Mary-Magdalene. As such, if you’re a match to the Rose, you’re called to reconnect to your divine feminine and sometimes that can also mean to grow your thorns and let them be powerful weapons, not to harm, but rather to cut into deceptions and lies so that you can bloom with confidence into your authenticity. As Mary-Magdalene, you’re a beautiful multifaceted being. It is only a matter of feeling courageous and letting your wild side free.
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– Philosopher’s Stone
You are called to alechemise something in your life. Alchemy can be seen as the beautiful connection between things, emotions and thoughts. You need to look at your life and find the links that you think are disconnected but that in reality aren’t. Who you are is always seeping into all parts of life. So ask yourself this: am I authentic in everything I do? Where do I need to expose my authenticity more? Chances are that, when you do so, situations in life will clear up and you’ll find that the path is much more interesting when you don’t hide aspects of you. When you create a beautiful alchemical bond with everything that your are.
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– Serpent
So you’re a match to the Cosmic Serpent? Can you feel its power inside of you? If not, that is what the serpent is asking you to do. Its energy is the one that moves the World, beautiful untamed sensual and sexual energy that is at the core of everything that is created.
Are you feeling a lack of creativity? Tap into your creative energy by closing your eyes and imagine a ray of light entering your body and touching every part of you. Let it be playful and harmonious, like a snake that slithers, bringing sensual energy. It is time to shed your old skin so that you can shine again from the inside out.
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– Owl
It is time for flair! Yes, you need to lighten up your steps and gain heights to envision the big picture on a situation. Remember that the owl can see in the dark and will help you find clarity even in the most unclear of situations. Sit and close your eyes and ask the owl to open your inner eyes to uncover hidden secrets in yourself. There is something that need attention. Maybe a pattern has to be brought into your consciousness in order to do the work to live some situations in a different way.
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– Hamsa - Hand of Creation
Hamsa is a symbol of protection and it comes to you when you need a bit of protection from a situation or simply the outside world. Don’t fear though, because you’re always been protected. But sometimes, you might need something more. Take one of your favorite talismans and set an intention to protect you from unwanted situations. When you’re protected, you can feel safe in being yourself and being the creative being that you are.
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– Crane
You’re a match for this beautiful energy when you need to feel lucky. Say to yourself, “I’m the luckiest person on this planet!” You this mantra as many times you need. Feel it in your heart and you’ll be ready to radiate your frequency into the world.
If you’ve chosen this energy, it is also time to renew your views on love and happiness. Are there negative situations that influenced your views? Now is the time to dust those old beliefs away and start fresh so that the abundance feeling of love can shine again on you and in you.
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