
Hi! I’m Laura, an artist based in Lugano, in the Italian part of Switzerland.

Since I can remember, being in a state of creativity is always been my safe haven for me. Creating art is my everyday medicine, my own personal healing power.


What I want to convey in my art is my personal experience with the divine that is all around us and inside us. 

I’m drawn to many things that inspire my art, but most of all, I’m curious about the hidden meaning of everything. I feel that we, as a modern society, have lost most of the meaning of life, of the symbolism of things, of the ancient stories, myth and archetypes. Through different traditions, I love to discover their interpretation of nature and of the big WHYS of life. Why are we here? What is our purpose? Everything that surround us and everything inside us has a meaning and I’m here to try to put into visual art my inner world mirroring the outer world and vice versa.

I try to convey into my art these secrets and to create visual incantations that show the viewer how beautiful life and everything that surrounds us is, and how magical we can be when we connect to the divine that is in everything.

I create intuitively and I’m convinced that each piece that I create has a specific viewer in mind. Maybe it’s you  I want to believe that these ‘visual incantations’, as I call them, behold a secret for each of you, a hidden message that will help you heal a part of you or maybe will help you understand something about yourself.

Each element in my paintings has a meaning, something that can be related with our human experience. Because for me, everything has Meaning, whether it’s clear or hidden. In this ongoing journey of exploration of life, I will always try to understand and learn and I learn best, when I can paint it.

My wish is for you to have a wonderful experience in owning a piece of my art in your home and feel the healing powers of the different energies that are encompassed in an art piece and to (re)discover the beautiful Wonder that you have inside yourself and the Magic that surrounds you. For we are, as I understand it, all a part of One.


With love,


If you want to connect with me, please write me at info@laurateodoriart.com. I would love to connect with you! You can write to me in English, French, Italian and German if you want.

Learn more about the hidden meanings in my paintings by reading my blog.