How to use a Moon Calendar for your rituals

How to use a Moon Calendar for your rituals

Each year, I create a Moon Calendar for my audience and clients.
I personally love to connect with the Moon and ritualise my life. Because life can be so hectic and at times stressful with long to-do lists, I love to take some time to stop everything and have a little ritual in different moments of the month. A simple way for me to bring back some attention to my inner world.

You can download my Moon Calendar here 

Here are some ideas on how to create your own rituals during the major phases of the Moon. Keep in mind, these are just suggestions, you can take what resonates and create your own personalised ritual.

New Moon

Theme: New beginnings and unlimited potential

You can see this phase as a white and brand new canvas that you’re standing in front of and you’re about to draw and paint on.

Ritual ideas

  • Set an intention for a new version of you, a new project, or let new seed-ideas come up into consciousness.
  • Use objects (crystals, talismans, artwork) and set your intention with them to help you unfold this New project during this time. Then leave them near your window during the night to let them soak the darkness of the sky. They will charge up and will be ready to help you on this new journey.
  • Have a walk to soak this energy of new beginnings yourself.

🎨 Paintings encapsulating this energy: Becoming, When walking in the Shadows, Inner Vision

First Quarter Moon

Theme: Time for action, decisions and commitments

You begun drawing and painting on the canvas but you feel a bit taken aback by this life project. It’s time to overcome the fears and doubts and renew your vows with your desires and pick up the brush again.

Ritual ideas

  • Sit comfortably and use your breath to bring your nervous system into homeostasis. This can be done by simple bringing your consciousness into each deep breath you’re taking (for more Breathwork content, you can follow me on IG l.aura.teodori). If there are fears or doubts, let them come up and bring your breath into them. Your breath will help you integrate them instead of staying in a state of resistance. You’ll slowly feel them dissipate and ideas about potential actions to take will arise. While breathing, use your designated objects (the one you chose during the New Moon).

🎨 Painting to let the energy flow: (Re)Birth of the Phoenix, Cosmic Wolf, Being

Full Moon

Theme: Culmination, harvest, celebration

Thanks to your actions and commitments, you arrived at the culmination of your project, intention, seed-idea. It’s time to celebrate yourself, to feel grateful for your accomplishments and even to the obstacles on the road that made you learn something more about yourself.

Ritual ideas

  • Do somethings that makes you happy! Indulge in a scrumptious meal, a delicious pastry (the one you love but never eat!)
  • Move your body and feel the sensuality of life flow through your veins.
  • Have a sumptuous bath with essential oils and scents you love (unleash your inner Cleopatra - you’re a Queen, or a King!)

🎨 Painting to celebrate life: Manifestation of connection, Being, Abundance

Download it for free

Last Quarter Moon

Theme: reflection on the past cycle, unwinding, letting go of remaining burdens

You’ve finished your painting and you put your signature on it. It’s time to wrap things up, ensuring that it is safe and protected. Time to archive.

Ritual ideas

  • Meditate on your journey, let go of self judgements or towards others, forgive your “mistakes”, archive your thoughts.
  • Write down what you want to improve to be prepared for the next cycle. Give thanks to the people and objects that helped you.

🎨 Paintings that suit this phase: Remembrance of Self, When walking in the Shadows


I hope I was able to inspire you to work with the energies of the moon and let this feminine energy into your life!

Take care,


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