Remembrance of Self - When Love is powering you up!

Remembrance of Self - When Love is powering you up!

I would love to take credit for this painting, and before someone comment on it, yes, I dit paint it and created it, but I like to think that I was guided by a loved one who passed away, my cat Betti. Before you dismiss this ides, hear me out :) 
Betti the Cat was a beautiful being, with an immense heart that she shared with the world during her brief life. I'm very humbled and immensely honoured to have been a recipient of this love and for that I will always be thankful to her. 
She decided to pass away when I wasn't around, because she didn't want me to suffer. That is the message that I received when I decided to do an animal communication a few month after her passing. 

I can see your eyes rolling and being skeptical about animal communication :) I can understand that. For some, communicating with animals can seem a bit strange. We weren't brought up in a society/system that dismisses this kind of understanding. For me though, every part of the Universe is in communication, all the time and I believe that communication isn't just verbal as it is for us Humans, but can take many forms. Furthermore, just because we didn't learn it in school or isn't visible to our eyes, doesn't mean it doesn't exists :)

But, anyhow, to come back to this artwork. It is actually Betti that told me that I had to paint bigger paintings and that the first one should have rose-red hues and many circles and dots. It wasn't specific at all, but to honour her love and our time together it was important to me to follow her will.

What came out is this artwork

Remembrance of self, big watercolours paintings with in rose-red hues, with many details. Kundalini, Hamsa, Moon, triple Goddess symbol, swan, raven, book of shadows, all linked together by dots. laurateodoriart Find Original here - Find Limited Edition here

For me this painting symbolises the awakening of the Self. It is not changing in someone else, but coming back to myself and being more open to every part of me. A deep dive into my depth and a deeper understanding that I'm also ok with my shadows and parts that I sometimes don't like about myself.

As you can see, it has many details in it, and I want to share the meaning of some of them here so that you can dive deep in this artwork as well.

Triple Goddess symbol
This symbol represents the different stages of the moon (waxing, full and waning moon). Associated to that, in teachings of the divine feminine, the moon phases are also similar to the phases of womanhood (maiden, mother, crone). And in the bigger picture, it can also be interpreted as the different cycles of life, birth, life, death, rebirth.

As above, so below...
When you look closely, you'll read in the center: As above, so below. As within so without, as the Universe, so the Soul.
I love this incantation so much! It make me feel connected to everything, because what is within me is the mirror of what is outside me and vice versa. At least, I understand it like that. 
Historically it is found in the Emerald Tablet, but was popularised by Helena Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society.

Remembrance of self, laurateodoriart, painting in rose-red hues, red flower in the middle, writing: as above so below, so within as without, so the universe as the soul. many details and spirit animals, symbols

Kundalini serpent
I like to include serpent in my paintings and drawings. In many cultures the symbolism behind the snake is transmutation which is very fitting considering that in nature, the snake sheds its skin to renew itself.
In Hinduism though, the Kundalini is associated with the devine feminine, the life force that is the Shakti. This force that is inside us, when awakened, it is said to be able to lead us to spiritual liberation.

Remembrance of self, painting by laurateodoriart, detail with kundalini serpent with stars and moon on its skin, fern and a part of the triple goddess symbol

Hand with eye open (interpretation of Hamsa)
My meaning of the hand with an open eye in its center, is simply that for me, our hands are one of the centres of creativity. And being an open eye symbol for awakening of enlightenment, it speaks of an awakened creativity.
But, in old North African traditions, the hand of Hamsa is used commonly for protection of the evil eye and can also represent blessings, power and strength.

Detail of Remembrance of Self, painting by laurateodoriart. Hand with open eye in the middle (hand of hamsa)

The Crow is a symbol of Magic. With his eye he can squint in many realms.

Crow (bird) detail of Remembrance of Self, painting by laurateodoriart.

is a powerful tool used in rituals, but it can symbolise growth and freedom. Never take one from a bird though. If a feather has to come into your life, it will find you.  

The Swan is a symbol for grace. Gliding on the waters, she/he can enter different dimensions and come back with new understandings.

The Heron is a symbol for self reflection. It's power can help in moments of deep personal transformation.

Lotus is a powerful symbol in Hinduism. To name just a few of its meanings, lotus can symbolise fertility, growth and purity. When on a path of self awareness, the Lotus can be a powerful ally.

Lotus detail of Remembrance of Self, painting by laurateodoriart.

Book of Shadows
Commonly linked to witchcraft, where a witch beholds all her spells, potions and incantations. But in this particular setting, I see it as a representation of a journal or a diary, where all your feelings are kept, and where you can follow a path of healing your shadows and inner child traumas.

Calendula is a powerful plant used in herbalism. Spiritually, it gives confort and helps us on the path inwards. With her brightness she helps to bring our shadows into light.

Calendula flower detail in Remembrance of Self, painting by laurateodoriart

The meaning of the compass in this particular setting is: Whenever you feel lost, don't worry too much. Getting lost is part of the journey, but remember that you have an inner compass in yourself that can help you to find your path again.


These are just a few of the meanings and interpretations that are possible for these symbols and spirit animals and the ones that I know now. Because, learning the meanings of things is a lifelong journey and maybe I will look back and (re)discover new meanings and read this artwork in an entirely new way. 

I would love to know your thoughts about this painting or the meaning of things so don't hesitate to leave a comment below! I'm always very happy when I can connect with you!

Stay magical,

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