Phoenix painting, explosion of colours, mythical creature

The Phoenix: how to harness its healing energy and be reborn from your ashes

I will say it again and again, even though this topic can be perceived a bit as woohoo, but everything in this Universe is made up of energy. Even unanimated objects, such as a painting.

But let’s talk a bit about the beautiful energy of this famous mythical creature that is the Phoenix. I believe it got its big revival as the beautiful companion of Dumbledore in Harry Potter. Do you remember it? Oh, it was so beautiful depicted in the movies, don’t’ you agree? I personally loved it, and with all the other fantastic creatures, and Hedwig, Harry’s owl, I can confidently say that they where my favorite characters :)

Phoenix painting, mockup image, white and beige interior with the painting on the wall over a table

Myth and symbolism

As a Myth, the Phoenix is known to have the ability to die and be reborn from its ashes. I am a fan of this symbolism because we as human being constantly do the same. Though it is proven that as human beings we are creatures of habit and therefore welcome change with resistance, if we embrace change as just a transformative event in our lives it could be easier to accept it.

With this in mind, is change really something definitive going from a state to a completely new one, or is it really just a constant transformation?

A Phoenix is reborn from its ashes, this for me means that it actually uses the previous version of itself to create a different state of itself, it integrates the previous one, it doesn’t exclude it. And that right there is very powerful to me!


Why did I paint a Phoenix?

Painting this creature was for me transforaminal and welcomed in a year (2022) of enormous transformations (my mother passing away, leaving a “secure” job to concentrate on my passions – art and animal communication, moving, etc…).

I actually sketched the lines of the Phoenix a year previous and never got the time to begin the painting process until the last months of 2022. I take this as a nice metaphor. In retrospect, it’s like I had the sense that big transformations where coming my way and the Phoenix appeared as a painting possibility but it had to be put on hold for a time to let me transform. It finally came to life to punctuate and give me the possibility to reflect on all the changes that I went through during 2022 and integrate them to become a new version of myself.

Phoenix painting, energetic painting, beautiful withe and beige interior with the painting on the wall

How to harness this powerful energy

As I mentioned, I am a firm believer in the energy that emanates from everything. And this painting isn’t an exception. The key is to feel into its energy and let it work for you and into you.

The main symbols of the Phoenix are TRANSFORMATION and RENEWAL (REBIRTH). What better way to keep these main life energies near you with a painting that emanates them into your home?

Phoenix painting on a table, with beige and white hues, and a bowl with palo santo on the table. suggests a spiritual home


Some suggestions on how to “use” the energy of a painting:

This works with each painting and illustration of mine (but actually, it works with everything you put meaning into and that you feel is emanating a healing energy). 

Wherever you put this painting into your home, whether it’s hanged on a wall or you have it leaning on a wall from a furniture or from your altar (if you’re a witch ), you can stand or sit in front of it a couple of minutes each day an actively ask it to support you in this time in your life. Take some deep breaths in front of it and imagine threads of energy coming out from the artwork. Let your imagination run and maybe you’ll see the Phoenix move its wings or turn its head. Don’t be scared, let it speak to you with ease. Believe in the magic! :)

If you feel called to this transformative energy that the Phoenix brings, both the original and the prints are available.

By letting the Phoenix do its magic, you’ll welcome into your home a powerful ally for yourself and a silent yet vibrant helper to spread your wings and fly high in the sky!

Let the transformation begin!


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